“You’re probably thinking ‘Why olives? Olives are kind of random,” says Nikki Seaman, the CEO and founder of Freestyle Snacking. “They’re typically a trusty, but dusty, food category.” What this Atlanta female entrepreneur (by way of Boca!) means by that is that olives sell, but they haven’t been reinvented or rethought in a verrrrrry long time. They still come in the same glass jar in murky water that they have for decades. Seaman set out to disrupt that notion.
Seaman moved to Atlanta five years ago with her then-boyfriend, now-husband. He’s an Atlanta native and she quickly fell in love with the city. The newlyweds reside in Chastain Park, near Buckhead.

This Southern smarty went to University of Pennsylvania and was in management consulting at Bain & Company when she took advantage of the company’s externship program. She went to work for Whisps. They make those tasty, crispy cheese snacks that low-carb lovers swear by.
“I’ve always been passionate about food and beverage,” says the Atlanta female entrepreneur. “I have been running a food and bev blog with friends called Freshmen15 for years.” They currently have 197,000 followers. At Whisps, she took that passion for snacks and got to work across their business. “I worked on compelling pitch decks for retailers, identified cost saving ops, KPIs for marketing campaigns, packaging, manufacturing and the commercialization process.”
She started to think “What’s missing from the grocery store? What’s new and different that people are going to love?”

“I always went to the olive bar at the grocery store, but then COVID-19 shut those DIY stations down,” says Seaman. She went to find olives on the shelf. “It was unappetizing with unsexy packaging. A lot of legacy brands. When I tried the product, it didn’t taste anything like the olive bar or an olive appetizer at a restaurant,” she recalls.
Real talk? She also realized you lose olives down the drain trying to get them out with utensils. “I wanted to reinvent the whole experience from packaging, branding and taste,” she says.
During the pandemic, Seaman quit her job and rethought a low-calorie, low carb, high-antioxidant snack. She sourced olives from Greece and created beautiful packaging. Freestyle Snacking took on a life of its own. Six weeks ago she launched and all the TSS folks out there can find the product on Amazon or locally in Atlanta at Lucy’s Market, Candler Park Market, Dtox Juice, UPOP and New York Butcher Shoppe. They are scrumptious and so flavorful. No longer drowning in water or hard to get out of a jar. Brilliant!
What’s next? “I want to expand into more retailers and have single serve snacks. I want to package other types of pickled vegetables that are doomed to cans and jars,” she chuckles. “We need to free them!”
Ok, now for a lightning round of questions for all the TSS readers:
Is there anything Southern about Boca Raton?
Atlanta is way more Southern than Boca! Sometimes Boca feels like the Northeast despite the gorgeous year-round weather.
When you were younger, what did you want to be?
I used to want to be an interior designer. I loved decorating houses on the Sims and thought I could carry that skill over to real life.
What do you think makes your life Two-Sided Southern now?
Definitely living in Atlanta, but having such an influence from friends and family in NYC. I get to enjoy an easy, slower way of life while learning about all of the latest trends in food and fashion from my friends up North.
Are there any Southern chefs or food personalities that you admire?
I love @Meganann and it kills me that she isn’t an olive lover! Hoping one day Freestyle Snacks can convert her… Also love ATL boards. Her candy charcuterie is so delicious.
Was there any place in your hometown that was distinctly Southern?
I used to love going to Jaxson’s ice cream parlor. It had great traditional and old-fashioned decor and incredible ice cream. It was such a treat. It is in fact still around, hopefully I will be able to take my future kids there one day.
Favorite high-end southern dish you love: Boccaluppo chicken parm and collard greens
Best down-home southern dish: Fried chicken on a biscuit
Favorite high-end, hoity toity dessert: Bones’ ice cream cake
Favorite low-brow dessert: Banana pudding
Favorite high-brow restaurant in the South: The Optimist
Favorite low-brow restaurant in the South: Heirloom Market BBQ
What are some Southern cliches that you totally embody or subscribe to now that you’ve been here 5 years? I have grown into having more of a “Southern charm” and am much kinder to and more likely to make conversation with strangers.
Favorite drink at a tailgate: Vodka ginger ale
Favorite sports team: Let’s go Hawks!!